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r-ninth Year Official City Paper
Coldwater, Comanche County, Kansas 67029
Thursday, Apri[ 4, 1974
Officie[ County Poper No. 38.
Scouts to R00rmond Parcel IIl00. Wed[
Pratt Dies Suddenly Ser00ces to Begin
Cub Scout and Scout
will be recognized for
WOrk in the Cub Scouting
programs in 1973.
District Appreciation
will be held Saturday,
6, at the Pratt municipal
evening begins with the
and their families bring-
a Covered dish supper for all
at7 p.m.
program beginswith an im-
e opening ceremony at 7"45
program highlights are
recognition of Cub Scout,
and Exploring leaders;
of the units earn-
the Gus Palmer award for
excellence; and the
of 100 percent Boyls ,
unit leaders. Leaders and
farilies will be entertained
the evening by vari-
and comedy groups.
Scout leaders in Coldwater
were Garth McMillen
aquot, Elizabeth Crowley
Earline IR athbur
7arlene Reed.
leaders were Norman
Harry Thomas.
S inday will fall
Since the very early
the Christian church, this
the great event of the
commemorating the resur-
and the ful-
of the promise of salva-
all people.
ancient time, churches
ltars have been decorated
Occasion; candles have
and, in the medie-
of England, the
or paschal candles were
f huge dimemions. They
eld in gigantic brass or
Candlesticks and reached a
height of as much as
sunrise services*
hunting Easter eggs*
attendin ch;.rch to-
Lad the, sometimes frivo-
of new "Easter
Will be outward evi-
of the 2, O00-year conti-
the Christian celebra-
Christts resurrection and
reality. It is a time to
Our faith in Him who
mankind in the ways
e and brotherhood and ful-
ise of eternal life.
FOR 1914
6, Saturday, Medicine
'00-leave at 11"30
Thursday, Minneola
ave at 10=30
Friday, Meade 1"00,
Tuesday League at
xn Heights
meets will include
boys and girls.
ran into each
door of the psychia-
said one, "yOu corn-
that " replied the
be here."
your visitors.
Raymond E. Parcel died sud-
denly at the hospital inBuffal%
Okla., on Tuesday April 2,
The family will have a private
burial service.
A memorial service for Mr.
Parcel will be held on Saturday,
April 6, 1974, at 1:30 p. m. at
the Coldw ater United Presbyterian
church with Rev. Floyd Start
Democrats to
Have Meeting
Comanche county Democrats
will initiate delegate selection
procedures at 7:30p. m., April
16, t974 in theColdwater Vet-
erans Memorial building.
The county convention is a
prelude to the congressional dis-
trict convention on May 4, 1974
where delegates to the 1974 con-
ference on Democratic party or-
ganization and policy will c se-
The conference, December 6-8,
1974, at Kansas City, Mo., will
be attended by state delegations
to adopt a permanent charter for
the national Democratic party.
All Democratic party public
conventions and meetings at all
levels "shallbe open to all mem-
bers of the Demo:.ratic party,
regardless of race, sew age,
color, creedt nationaAorigirb re-
ligior b ethnic identity, economic
status or philosophical persuasion."
All Democrats in Comanche
county are in-ited to attend the
April 16 meeting in the Veterans
Memorial buildingB Ccldwater.
99th Birthday
Sunday, March 31st Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Uhl, Tony, Mike,
Randy, Corey I Kathy Baker, and
A my Price of Pioneer Lodge were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Uhl
for dinner. They were celebrating
Mrs. Prices 99th birthday.
Her granddaughter, Mrs. ]er-
nard(Norma Jean) Friend, called
from Salida, Colo., to wish her
a happy birthday.
Those calling in the afternoon
for birthday cake and coffee were
Esther hant and Mr. and Mrs.
Alva Swindler of Pratt Kans.,
Mrs. Mabel Hadley and Mrs.
G ladys Wood Medicine Lodge,
Homer and Amy Ring, Rowena
Snyder, Ivan Booth, Fay and
Velma Smith, and Leslie Smitlb
Wilmore, -G loyd and Mary Had-
ley, LeeiRoy and Martha Cline
Sharon Osler, Martha McCauley
Lucy Parcelt Glen and Pat Hess*
Kevin and Daniel Hess of Cold-
Richard Bea Liberal Kans. j
and son of Mrs. Inez Beanof
Coldwater has now published his
second album of Christian songs.
It is available in Coldwater at
Hooferls Grocery. Included in
the album are The Old Rugged
Cross* Reach Out to Jesus* and
The King is Coming.
Proceeds from the album will
go to assist in the work of the
Ken Moore Evangelistic Associa-
tion of Liberal.
Sunday is Palm Sunday!
The ColdwaterMinisterial A lli-
ance has invited Rev, Dick lob.
binsj Associate Director of the
United Methodist C hutch Program
Council in Wichita, to be the
speaker and resource person for
its specia 1 services Sunday through
Wednesday of next week. The
services will be held at the Pres-
byterian church at 7:30 each
evening April 7 through I0.
Rev. W3bbins is a gifted indi-
vidualwith manyresources avail-
able to provide a very profitable
week of spiritual emphasis in the
Coldwater community. He will
be used in the local high school
on Monday through Thursday for
assembly programs and informal
The various churches in the
communitywill be providing the
worship leadership and special
music for this Holy Week series.
The Presbyterian church wilt be
leading, on Sunday evening, the
Assembly of God on Monday, the
Friends and the Christian church
on Tuesday and the Methodist on
You are asked to attend and to
invite others to attend these spe-
cial Holy Week services.
Attends Post
Graduate Seminar
The 26th meeting of the Mid-
west Cancer Conference con-
vened March 29 at CenturyII
Civic and Cultural Center in
Wichita. E 1even outstanding
scientists from throughout the
country were present to discuss
current concepts in the clinical
management of cancer.
Physicians from the midwest
spent the last tnvo days discussing
new treatment modalities* diag-
nostic techniques and recent sci-
entific developments in cancer.
Specialists from the east and west
coasts spenttheir time telling lo-
cal physicians og the most recent
advances inthe treatment of can-
The latest advances in the treat-
ment of leukemia and lTmphoma
were also presented to the midwest
physi ci a ns.
E.R. Prue, M. D., Coldwat-
er attended the two day p,st
graduate seminar.
The meeting is part of the con-
tinuing program of professional
education sponsored by the Kan-
sas Division of the American
Cancer Society.
April is the month for the an-
nualCancerFund Drive and Mrs.
Madeline Vance, the Comanche
county chairmarb has about 70
volunteers lined up for the coun-
ty and will get their packets de-
livered to them this week. It is
hoped that the donatiom will be
generous when these workers corn e
toyourhome or place of business.
J ames Herrington of Coldw ater
underwent an operation in Wesley
Hospital in Wichita Tuesday of
this week for the removal of a
cataract on one eye.
He expected to return home
after only a brief stay in the hos.
John McMoran was taken to the
Greensburg hospital last Saturday
for treatment. At last report he
waS improving in health.
'l/a" Cummings, Cafe Operator 51 Years
A surprise birthday party was
planned by a grcap of quilters of
the Christian church and Mrs.
Marie Swisher for Mrs. Grace
Cummings of this city and was
held in the educational building
of the church Wednesday after.a
noon, March 27, in honor of her
88th brthday.
Irs. Cummings is shown in
front of the serving table holding a
large birthday card designed by
Mrs. Swisher. On the back the
many guests registered. At the
left is a ,1money chest" for Mrs.
Cummings provided by her friends
along with birthday cards. For
severalyearsshehasbeen a mem-
ber of the churchs quilters. Light
refreshments were served.
Mrs. Cummings was born March
21, 1886in BloomingtonIll. Her
father, Emil Trummel passed
away six months after she was
born. Her mother Mrs. Emma
Trumme and three sons* Louis*
Ord, and Alva Trumme and
daughter, Grace, came to Cold-
water in 1888, two years after the
railroad arrived here.
Mrs. Trammel cooked at Bob
C allaway's St. Nicholas Hotel four
years and in 1892 she and her
children moved to the Sombart
ranch where she worked for many
"Ma", as her many friends call
her, conducted a cafe in Wilmore
sixyears, until 1929, and for the
next 45 years was in the care
business in Coldwater, finishing
out 51 years of continuous opera-
tion of the CUmmings Cafe, a
record likely not equalled else-
where in Kansas.
Mrs. Cummings retired in 1960
and has continued to llve here.
She has been blessed with good
health and up to last fall even
moved her own yard. "But," she
says, "I m giving that up now."
Mrs. Cummings has three chil-
drer seven grandchildren and
fourgreat grandchildren. A son,
Stanley lives inChicag% Charles
Clare inGreensburg and a daugh°
ters Catherine Shelley makes
herhomewith her family in Lake
Tahoe, Nev..
(Western Star photo. )
Cantata to Be
Presented April 11
The CommunityChoir will pre-
sent the cantata !'Jesus Is Com.
ing, " written by John Peterson, on
Thursday evening April II, at
7:30p. m. atthe Christian church.
The choir is directed by Mrs.
Ron Haynes with Mrs. Truman
Selzer at the organ and iron
Haynes at the piano.
The public is cordially invited
to hear this presentation and to
shareinthe worship service as the
choir sings of the Second Coming
of Jesus.
Mrs. Don (Loretta) Frazier
cashier of The C oldwater N ationa 1
Bank, spentthree days in Denver
last week attending the Seminar
for WomenManagement sponsored
by the University of Colorado.
Mrs. Frazier was one of 30"wo-'
men in the United States selected
to attend this seminar. She said
the classes were informative anc
the classes were interesting and
informative because the instruc-
tors were highly qualified.
Mrs. Frazier returned Wednes-
day evening, March27, via Con-
tinental Airlines.
No more motorcycle riding on
land owned or operated by me.
Tell the Star your news.
Comanche County [
Hospital Notes I
A dmtutonl.
March 27, Lorena Betzer, Pearl
C arri ck
March 28, Birdie Condra
March 30, Glenn Hosier
April 2, Barbara Willard
March 29, Evis Hawk
March 31, Georgia Darroch
Aprill, Paris Alley (transferred
to Wichita )
April 2, Glenn Hosier
Mrs. Georgia Darroch returned
home Monday of this week from
the Comanche County Hospital
where she had been recovering
from an accident.
Sh _%11 over a chair one night
in her home and fractured two o1
her lib..
Trap shoot Sunday, April 7tlb
northeast of the golf course in
Protection. Sponsored by Protec-
tion J aycees. 38c.
Dont miss the three day pre-
Easter special atNormas Style
Shoppe Thursday, Friday-, and
The horse woul have a good
laugh today if it could see motor-
isis adjusting their shoulder har-